Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanks so much for everything Mr will be missed

Life is just so unpredicatable isn't it? Just when u met someone for like 3 or 4 lessons...then before u know it, you'll never see him again. honestly, i'm still in a state of shock everytime is realise that Mr Stephen Loh is not around anymore. He was so nice...ok, i admit i didn't really know him very very well, but he was really the kind of big on the outside and all mushy on the inside. He truly had a heart as big as he was. its sad that he had to leave us so soon...when we just barely met him...i think life can be so unfair at times huh?

I still remeber during PE class, everyone liked him at first sight, he was always all smiles u know? and never scolds...AT ALL...we would always tease him and joke...soon enough we treated him more of a friend then a teacher, despite seeing him only once a week. and he was always so dedicated always looking out for everyone of us, giving us advice. it was a understatement to say that we loved his lessons...Even though i SUCK at basketball, somehow or other he really made me love the sport...well maybe not the sport but at least enjoy shooting hoops and stuff...

Its really really sad that we won't ever see him again, especially so to people who know him very well, but i guess we all have to take pride in the belief that he has definitely gone to a better place. So, my condolences to all his family and friends. as well as to the family and friends of the other 4 dragon will be missed...

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