Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Change me

LOL...i can forsee that a lot of pple wun like his new album...LOL...his other 2 albums were like more focused on traditional chinese music...THIS time he made quite a huge change...NOW the focus is on like oldies SHANGHAI world war 2 tunes...YES YES i know alot of pple will says its not nice, its sleepy, its boring, its too simple, its not faced paced enough...which is true cos this time he has a lot of ballads in this album...HOWEVER...you all have to understand...that this shows how professional he can be as an actor. Recently he's acting in the movie Lust, Caution...which is coming out aroung mid sept? where he plays a substantial role...and because he was so into his role, it explains his turn in music...AND I RESPECT HIM FOR THAT...lol...lee hom...no matter how much others dislike this album...i think its rocks...LOL...

Change Me Tracks

1. Intro
2. 改變自己 Change Me (Gǎi bìan Zì jǐ)
3. 落葉歸根 Falling Leaf Returns to Roots (Lùo yè gūi gēn)
4. 創作前言 Preface of Composed Work (Chùang zùo Qían Yán)
5. 我們的歌 Our Song (Wǒ men de Gē)
6. 你是我心內的一首歌 You Are a Song in My Heart (Nǐ shì Wǒ xīn neì de Yì shǒu gē) feat. Selina
7. 愛在哪裡 Where's Love (Aì Zaì Nǎ lǐ)
8. Cockney Girl
9. 不完整的旋律 Incomplete Melody (Bù wán zhěng de Xúan Lǜ)
10. 愛的鼓勵 Lovely Cheer (Aì de Gǔ lì)
11. 華人萬歲 Chinese Hooray (Húa rén Wàn sùi)
12. 星期六的深夜 Saturday Midnight (Xīn qí lìu de Shēn yè)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

WHOOO!!!! my love for lee hom is rekindled!!!!LOL i m happy to announce i m once again in love with him...WAHAHA...i have to admit there was a long period of time my affections were transferred elsewhere...note: i m not telling u where it went. LOL...but know lee honm's album is out!!! WOOTS!!!! it rocks...i luv the drums and elect guitar...y'all gotta go hear his new song on youtube...it rocks...seriously...WHOOO

HAHAH...hmmm...something else tt is gg on in my life is...BESTBOX...whoo i think its damn cool...too bad i still can't do it...i'm not giving up though!! LOL...its damn funny...kay...apparently the few things i learnt...there are 3 basic types of beats and all resemble the drum and cymbal..each diff sound can then be combined...LOL...however when i tried it...LOL...i feel like i'm spitting...hahahaha....dunno...I WUN GIVE UP THOUGH

LOL...i miss dance...never mind must tell myself...RUN FOR DANCE RUN FOR DANCE...hahah...i needa lose weight then can dance nicer...hahah...and it can make ur reflexes faster too..LOL...i miss the sense of satisfaction of getting a dance number down...LOL...i miss the excitement...

Monday, July 9, 2007

What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You

You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours.

You spend a lot on clothes, and you tend to be a very dresser. However, it's hard for you to throw away trendy clothes when they go out of style.

You have the perfect blend of confidence and class. You're proud of who you are - but you don't broadcast it.

In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return.
Your True Birth Month Is December

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions
You are Dark Chocolate

You live your life with intensity, always going full force.
You push yourself (and others) to the limit... you want more than you can handle.
An extreme person, you challenge and inspire the world!
You Are A Girl!

Are you ever serious? Well, you're seriously playful.
And guys are attracted to your girlish spirit and all the fun that follows.
Your girlish, temper, however... well, they could live without that.
Not to worry though, you never stay upset for long. It's off to the next adventure.

LOL...sad but...true?
You Are Cookie Monster

Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.

You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.

You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking

How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"

You Are 80% Impulsive

You are impulsive, which at times leads to irresponsibility.
It's hard for you to say no to all but the most insane propositions.
But you could care less. While your impulsive ways have gotten you in a little trouble - they've made for a very exciting life!
Your Rising Sign is Libra

A total charmer, it's hard for people to say no to you.
Irresistable and attractive, you have no shortage of love interests.

Totally competitive, you tend to thrive in stressful enviroments.
A peaceful soul, you avoid conflict at almost all costs.

Sometimes you try too hard to please those around you.
But you have a great inner strength that helps you bounce back easily.

loL i think this is quite true too...lol
You Are 52% Weirdo

You're definitely quite strange, but you can act like a normal person when you have to.
(But just because you can act normally, it certainly doesn't mean you want to!)
You have normal aspects to your personality... but you usually don't choose to emphasize them.

Your Birthdate: June 28

You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.

Your strength: Your bold approach to life

Your weakness: You don't accept help

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Pyramid

Your power month: October

ER...failure not an option for me?? hahaa...i dun think so...failure seems to be my only option...unless its PW...lol
LOL...i realised that i can be really relly wierd at times...hahaha...okay fine i know to some of u out there this piece of info is not shocking. Hahaha...BUT the reason why i realised that i'm weird cos crazy ideas pop up in my head all the time...like u know...the philosophical type of stuff?? Hahaha....Like right know....i'm thinking of 2 topics: Personality and Secrets

1. Personality
Everyone has their own personality. It's what defines us. It's what people love about us and how people will get to know us. BUT question is: do all of us really know OURSELVES? do we truly know our personality or is the journey of life all about finding out who you are? Should u be clear who you are or are u supposed to find out? I'm confused. For myself, i can't really decide wat my personality is like at all. I mean yeah i know i give the OUTSPOKEN vibe like i was made to talk and born with a big mouth (lol...wait a min...i really was born w a big mouth...literally)...BUT i was NOT that outspoken my entire life...You know wat? I realised that our personality is like the clearest and most vivid when we are children...Hahaha...I WAS NOT FAT SINCE DAY1...lol...but i was outspoken since day 1...hahaha...So yeah i guess i m outposken aren't I...

HMMM...but other then outspoken-ness, what else do i have? NOTHING...lol...kay la not tt bad..i guess i'm also IRRATIONAL...hahaha... aren't I? yeah...i do alot of stuff through gut feeling and it usually doesn't have a good ending...LOL...in a more positive side...i guess u can say that i'm SPONTANEOUS?? HAHAH....like today...shar, char and chu were so embarrassed to see me running, screaming and waving at the same time...LOL...i guess i do embarrass people sometimes... but its who i am...rite?? so i shouldn't change no matter what...if u dun like how i act: DEAL WITH IT....lol

now lets see...what else?? er...ok i guess i'm not DOWN to earth...LOL...i usually have my mind in the air building castles...


LOL...O!!! I'm also OBSESSIVE (yes yes about lee hom) and VOCAL (i can't keep secrets that have to do with me)...

LOL i guess i do know myself pretty well huh?

tired of typing le...i think i'll talk about secrets another day...lol...lee hom's voice is calling me...whoo...walking in memphis...whoo....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I guess life is full of choices rite?? but the weird thing is...sometimes life complicates things more then giving one luxury. Choices can be so annoying at times that u just wanna hide and not think about it anymore. I guess that is why i make choices so quickly...i dun wanna be stuck in that space where you think and think and think...GOSH that never ending line of thinking just makes my head hurt...

WHAT TO DO?? lol... and yet alot of it i can't write down...cos its so close to my heart...lol...what to do...i dun really see the point of a blog anymore

Random Post

Hai...realised i haven't posted in a long long time...

Kay first things first!!! LOL class bbq!!! really ty ty to all those whu came...even all those whu bothered to tell me they weren't coming...lol dunnoe why i keep saying thank you...i guess i was really touched it turned out pretty well in my opinion...No one knows...but i was worrying over the bbq for a long long long time...i was so worried pple wun enjoy it...Hai...but at least they seemed to...so i was pretty reliefed...it was such a busy day yeaterday...after it was over i totally collapsed on my bed...LOL...ok...it started off with me, mich, char and chris meeting at habour front....THEN!!1 NIC JOINED US!! lol...he was very cute la...esp when he described why he dun like lan...LOL...we shopped for quite some time and there were like discounts every where. LOL...Apparently, char and chris were DROOLING at Forever 21 and me and mich found it quite boring so we went to espirit...Hahah...then char and chris were so sweet...they then secretly went off to fin my prezzie!! LOL...they tot it was mich brilliant plan to bring me away...but actually it was my idea...LOL...how ironical...

Oh and after tt we went to the really really mini arcade. LOL... it was damn small... we played a few games then the guys met up with us before we went to SUPER DOG to eat...it was my first time there but i found it pretty good...Then we went to GIANT to buy food...eventually we realised we bought way way too much...

Hai...there is alot else tt happened but i dun feel like typing anymore...LOL...

well...there was one time during the bbq at my house where i just needed some quiet...then for some reason pple tot i was being emo...LOL....

Ironically...when no one is around to care i'm felling emo...LOL...i tot i wasn't an emo person but apparently i am...ahahaha...forget it, i dunno what i'm talking about...Now playing luo ye gui gen...LEE HOM'S NEW SONG...its damn sad...i guess tt explains my emo mood...lol...feel like cryng once i hear the violin...it tears at my heart...LOL...

I guess there are alot of things and ideas that really shouldn't be posted on a blog...cos its like extremely confidential rite?? Lol...so sad...a place to pen your thoughts but it becomes a place to seperate secrets and lies...sorrie tt was just me being emo...LOL....hai....