Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some more writting

Chapter 1 Part 2

Two months later

Everyone says that a bride on her wedding day is the epitome of sublime beauty, she radiates happiness and contentment. Funny how one’s wedding day can make one feel so deliriously happy. As I sit at the dressing table and watching everyone else bustle about. People say that the bride should be immersed in her own little world, oblivious to everything around her. Yet, I seem to be too preoccupied watching everyone rush around to think of anything else, much less to say close into my own little world. Before I knew it, my friend and bride’s maid, Meredith, whispered into my ear “Liz? They’re all expecting you…” As I turn my head to face her, her lips spread into a mischievous, knowing smile.

I walked to the church doors while the emotion battled inside me. I felt happy yet afraid of what the future would bring for us. I was nervous for the wedding ceremony, yet felt unusually calm as I knew he would be there with me. I knew that I was loved and loved him just as much, yet experienced the nagging feeling that I could enjoy so much more. I took a deep breath and pushed all my thought to the back of my mind. Now, I should no longer think of anything else but him, he deserved that. From now, we would build our lives around each other and from this moment forth, I would be dedicated to him, as him to me.

The church pianist started to play the usual clichéd piece and, as previously practiced; I walked slowly but with determination, down the red carpet. I looked to my sides and saw all the people whom I loved so dearly. They we smiling at me, wishing me well and some were even crying and lightly dabbing their cheeks with their handkerchiefs. I was touched at the fierce loyalty for me that they displayed, which was evident from their eyes.

The red carpet was coming to an end. To the right, I saw Brandon, ever-impeccably dressed in a suit with that stubborn lock of hair on his forehead. I had to admit, until now, I still had the urge to walk up to him and brush the lock away. But it was not to be. Brandon: was the best man…I now look at my future husband, the groom…Nick…

P.S. its very cliched i is all i can write for now...oh and i forgot to say that this story is situated in America, just before World War 2...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My writting

I just realised how long it has been since i last wrote a story... so i decided to slowly craft one...hahah...just decided to post it up as my post...hahaha...i dun think anione will inderstand my opening...Hahaha...kay...just to give a short background to my cliched a romance by the way...and i won't write about lee hom, lest all of u send me to IMH!! hahaha

Kay this story is about 3 friends who grew up together, Brandon, Elizabeth and Nick (yah i noe the names damn cliche but writting skills are rusty!). Well, the 3 of them are best friends but a lot of circumstances bring them on a journey of love, death and friendship. Yeah i noe this does not ell u all much but i have not exactly finnish my storyline...hahaha

Chapter 1 Part 1

“I can’t give you what you want, Liz. You know that as well as I…”said Brandon with a grim expression that I so rarely see. How stupid of me. What had made me expect so much from him? Ha! I must be crazy. We had grown up together and it was a known fact that he could never, would never want to settle down. And THAT was where we were different. THAT was what I wanted, no, what I expected from a man. I needed security, need a home, need to know that I was loved and not taken for granted. But such sadistical irony, for I fell for a man who could never give me that. Hot tears unwillingly tumbled down my cheeks and I abruptly turn around, my back now towards him, unwilling to let him see me cry. I steadied my voice and replied, “I…I understand perfectly! I knew you could never give me that family life that I have always wanted. Its…Its perfectly fine. I just hope that we can still be friends…like we always were..” Having said this, I wiped away my tears and turned to face him, eyes full of hope. He sighed, obviously relieved and smiled. Unable to control myself, I smiled back, this time… a true smile…

P.S. i wil continue with it asap...but for now this is all i can do cos i need to do my work...

Friday, April 20, 2007

As we sit in our classrooms, stone in our lectures,
we seem oblivious to the pain and suffering around us.
Does anyone think about the tears and the blood,
that washes over others in a world different from ours.
THEIR world is full of fear and things to be feared.
THEIR world is full of meetings then sudden seperations.
THIER world is full of discrimination against everything.
THEIR world is simply...simply full of things we cannot and wil not comprehend.

While THEIR world revolves, OURS does too.
As OUR world continues, with new handphones,
new television series, new jokes, new competitions,
new exams, new friends, new obstacles that seem so difficult, yet so easy.

We forget that OUR world is also THEIRS...
And admist our smiles and problems that seem mountains high,
We forget their smiles are non-existant, their mountains greater.
Admist the death and massacre, admists the cries for mercy,
We talk of it, as if it were from another world.

People seem so full of hatred, so devoid of love.
Yet we seem so full of complains and full of unhappiness.
But can OUR pain compare to THEIRS?

Hiaz....sometimes this world is so full of dreadful things...people die ALL the time...i also dunno why i m so sadistic...but i just feel contented that for people in parts of the world where there is peace, they need not go thru such pain. In the parts of the world where we do not have to fear that at any point in time someone can just step into class and shoot at us like arcade games. In parts of the world where we can live our lives not knowing what bombs sound like. In parts of the world where we can smile and know that our loved ones are safe and every time they leave your front door, they will come back. There is just so so much that one can be contented with in this world...yet this fact is so easily forgotten and treated so insignificantly..............

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I noe!!! long time no post!!! Hahaha..i lag a wonder char calls me dino.... hahaha....Alot has been happening other then the test, test and more tests!!! Haiz...i dun noe if i can survive....haiz... Oh AND I WAS PRETTY UPSET OVER DEBATE!! it was sad la...i think we lost in terms of style rather then points...but it was sad to see us kicked out in e 1st round...was really unexpected too...poor Chris...see was most affected

And for 2.4 Km I PASSED WITH A C!!! hahaha its all thanks to NIC, ISAAC, ME!!! btw me means ming en...not me....hahaha....kay nevermind....hahaha....i think its the onli c i got in my life...hahaha....really grateful...but thanks to that i feel really tempted to pass my 5 station this sat...hope it goes well...

Oh and for my intra gavel competition...I WON 1ST RUNNER UP!! hahaha...actually i was really glad i did not get 1st cos i noe i cannot live up to e expectations...hhahaha...then i volunteered for the Toastmaster of the day for the INTER gavel hope that turn out well....kay better go update class blog....if not i will feel guilty...hahaha.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Love Affair?

Oh die...i m starting to feel that i m having an affair...somehow my heart flutters whenever i see tidus...I can't stand it he is so hot!! In Jap his name means "sun" which explains why he is sooo tan!!! I never knew i had a thing for tanned guys...i always thought i go for like fairer guys like lee hom!!! Hahaha...Christine laughed at me today...practically announcing to the whole lt that "I LOVE PIXELS" but i can't help it! as unreal as he is...he is irresistable!!! husbad is gonna be so upset....i have posted some pic of him...check out my new love affair.....