Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I noe!!! long time no post!!! Hahaha..i lag a wonder char calls me dino.... hahaha....Alot has been happening other then the test, test and more tests!!! Haiz...i dun noe if i can survive....haiz... Oh AND I WAS PRETTY UPSET OVER DEBATE!! it was sad la...i think we lost in terms of style rather then points...but it was sad to see us kicked out in e 1st round...was really unexpected too...poor Chris...see was most affected

And for 2.4 Km I PASSED WITH A C!!! hahaha its all thanks to NIC, ISAAC, ME!!! btw me means ming en...not me....hahaha....kay nevermind....hahaha....i think its the onli c i got in my life...hahaha....really grateful...but thanks to that i feel really tempted to pass my 5 station this sat...hope it goes well...

Oh and for my intra gavel competition...I WON 1ST RUNNER UP!! hahaha...actually i was really glad i did not get 1st cos i noe i cannot live up to e expectations...hhahaha...then i volunteered for the Toastmaster of the day for the INTER gavel hope that turn out well....kay better go update class blog....if not i will feel guilty...hahaha.

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