Friday, April 20, 2007

As we sit in our classrooms, stone in our lectures,
we seem oblivious to the pain and suffering around us.
Does anyone think about the tears and the blood,
that washes over others in a world different from ours.
THEIR world is full of fear and things to be feared.
THEIR world is full of meetings then sudden seperations.
THIER world is full of discrimination against everything.
THEIR world is simply...simply full of things we cannot and wil not comprehend.

While THEIR world revolves, OURS does too.
As OUR world continues, with new handphones,
new television series, new jokes, new competitions,
new exams, new friends, new obstacles that seem so difficult, yet so easy.

We forget that OUR world is also THEIRS...
And admist our smiles and problems that seem mountains high,
We forget their smiles are non-existant, their mountains greater.
Admist the death and massacre, admists the cries for mercy,
We talk of it, as if it were from another world.

People seem so full of hatred, so devoid of love.
Yet we seem so full of complains and full of unhappiness.
But can OUR pain compare to THEIRS?

Hiaz....sometimes this world is so full of dreadful things...people die ALL the time...i also dunno why i m so sadistic...but i just feel contented that for people in parts of the world where there is peace, they need not go thru such pain. In the parts of the world where we do not have to fear that at any point in time someone can just step into class and shoot at us like arcade games. In parts of the world where we can live our lives not knowing what bombs sound like. In parts of the world where we can smile and know that our loved ones are safe and every time they leave your front door, they will come back. There is just so so much that one can be contented with in this world...yet this fact is so easily forgotten and treated so insignificantly..............

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