Thursday, June 28, 2007



lol... thanks to all my great buds out there who wished me a happy bdae, bought me presents and went out to celebrate w me!!! I WAS SO TOUCHED!!! SO MANY PPLE WISHED ME HAPPY BDAE!! i think this is the first yr so many pple wished me happy birthday!!!

Here are the pple who wished me an EARLY happy bdae!!! LOL

1. Kakak(mean something like big sis in indo) Maya...called form indo!!! lol...thanks kak!!! hahaha...but she called A WEEK too was like;"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEFF!! umur berapa(how old are u now?)??" hahahaha...and i was like "Kak...u're like a week too early??" LOL...but it was so sweet of her to call from INDO.. LUV U KAK MAYA!!!

2. YING XU!! hahaha she like wished me before the math paper...hahaha...she was"just in case i forget to wish u on thur...HAPPY BDAE!!" Thanks ying xu!!! so sweet of y

3. shar!!! HAHAHA...she smsed me the day i was muggin for phy...hahaha...i was so pleasantly surprised...hahaha...LOVE U SHAR!!!

4. WINNIE!! lol...thanks...was nice to have u talk to me and destress from muggin phy...hahaha...and i still dun get why u even like tt

Then the pple who wished me on the day itself: Thanks u guys...
1.Chu...thanks!!! u smsed me at like 12 midnight while i was sleeping like a pig...LOL
2. Chak...thanks man...was very grateful for the piece of info u fed
3. KEL....thanks mei!!!even though u looked so stressed w ur bio
4. Zi for remembering...hahaha...even with e
5. Mich...Hahaha...once i reach school i already saw e balloon by the way...hahaha...but i just decided to let u surprise me
6. for the bimbo wave u gave me in the me damn high
7. Su Lwin...nice seeing u in the morning...hahaha...somehow u always look calm before any paper...whereas i look like a crazy freak tt is losing her mind...haha
8.CHAR...auntie!! thanks for e
9. Yu ting...thanks!!!
10. Xiao min...ahahaha...u looked so surprised tt i was so cheery...hahaha
11. Mr low...hahaha...thanks for e choc...hahaha...i know it was supposed to be for ur boyfriend...oh die...was tt a secret?? LOL
12. Ji u did well for e phy!! haiz...lucky u
13. Tim...hahaha...i had to be shameless to tell u its my
14. Jess...who was sitting in front of me and said happy bdae just before the killer phy...hahaha
15. bet it was christine who told u...but nevertheless...thanks for the hand
16. was a little random...but thanks it was really sweet
17. MY GOD SIS!! Justin!! lol...PS ME!! dare u!! hahaha...nvm
18. NIC...also another random sms...but thanks...HAHAH...and i'm waiting for my jolin tsai present!!1 hahaha
19. My 2 frens from AJC. met them at suki
20. WANG QING....thanks so much...hipe to see u at the end of the yr!!!

Hahahaha...i think tt is about it...if i forgot anyone sorry!!! and thanks for the bdae wishes...

now for the prezzies!!!lol :
1. BDAE CAKE from aunti yvone...thanks it was so cute!! luv it!!! thank you so much!!!
2. 3 balloons from chris, mich and was so sweet makes me look like a baby but ok...hahahah...had to carry it all over orchard
3. necklace from mom...thanks ma!!i love it!!!
4. OUT OF THIS WORLD DAMN NICE EARINGS FORM MY SIS!!! kel!!! thanks...i wil so wear it for grad nite once i peirce my ears lol...u can read me like a book...I LOVE IT SO MUCH I'M STILL SMILLING!!! LOL
- is it for now...but i forsee more bdae prezzies coming my way...rite pple??hahhaa jokin joking!! hahaha-

- Hahah to day it was a damn vicious cycle of pang se-ing...hahah.1st i said needa celebrate w family so can't go chris made arangements with someone i decided to go it became chris pang se me and char...hahaha
- aniway...char and me were just lazy and wanted to wait for the side gate to then slowly evolved into an first we just wanted to go for sushi
- then justin (my god sis) wanted to join us but PS us for someone else!!!hahaha
- then xiao min met us...hahaha.she called me 3 times and i never heard her...hahaha
- when we were at the bus stop we meet runyu...OH and she wished me happy bdae too!!! hahaha even though she called me kel...hahaha...
- we also met aaron at the bustop and he said he wanted to go how true is tt...u wanted to go out w ur gf rite??hahaha
- Later on the bus we decided tt its so lame for 2 pple to go out so decided to call the rest....
- oh and char kept trying to make me hold the baloons and tske act cute photo...HAHAH...tai tai acting like a weird is tt?? hahaha...but i was really touched tt they got me something despite the exams la...
- We went to suki sushi when chu called back and said she and ying xu wanted to join us...
- oh and i met my frens at suki!!! long never meet
- After tt we went to watch fantastic 4...pretty good show actually...i think the human torch guy was did char..hahaha...i think the 2 of us drooled alot!! LOL
- Then we went to taka and took pictures in the toilet...HAHAHA
- oh then we went out and saw this makeshift stall along orchard was selling books for like 50 cents...LOL...and u all may have guessed it...CHAR ACTED LIKE A CHEAPO...hahaha...dun worry i took her
- After tt we met this grp of pple who wanted to sell us stuff for charity...there were 2 guys...then they split up to talk to me and chu...and the other guy talked to char and ying xu...LOL...
- for me and toook less then a min...we waited for him to fin explaining then shared the cost to pay for one....just to run away....
- WHEREAS for ying xu and char...hahaha...the 2 of them said no...and it took so so so long...the guy kept pleading and pleading..hahaha....and me and chu were standing there laughing our heads off
- eventually...they won...char and yingxu very slowly and unwillingly, took out their wallets and paid to stop them from talking any

LOL i know this is a dman long post...hahaha...but so long never post decided to write a long long

Friday, June 22, 2007


LOL!!! Stella gave me the TAG of my so schocked...i was MUGGING then decided to check my blog...and tagged...oh wellz here goes but i don't think i have tt i m NOT weird but i have very little known facts cos i m so VOCAL!! woots!!! hahaha...hope my class pple dun see this.
Rules of the game:Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about you.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag-backs!
PPle dun be freaked out kay?? my level of weird is like HELL weird

1. I fantasize a damn lot...and about just about everything...I daydream about my future, wat i would be in another lifetime, wat i m NOT ( daydream tt i m a talented singer? Lol but i noe i m not la)
2. I m actually very very afraid of is why before i go up to public speak...i m damn scared...but i PRETEND to be undaunted
3. Kay...this is not a little known fact...BUT ITS WEIRD!! I m actually NOT THAT in love w Lee Hom...i just appreciate his talent and accent...I DON'T THINK HE'S GOOD LOOKING AT ALL...*shocked*
4. I'm a REALLY REALLY contradicted person...i don't think tt there is anyone as contradicted as i m...i'm talkative but sometimes i just shut up and dun say a word...I love attention but sometimes i wish tt i was not so "attention-seeking"...I hate being alone, yet at times i ENJOY walking around at malls ALONE...I love being unique (tt is wat i strive for ALL the time) but sometimes i regret it cos sometimes pple find it hard to relate to me...I LOVE KIDS, but i m SURE AS HELL i don't want my own...maybe i'll the list is endless
5. I talk to MYSELF...ALOT
6. I sing DAMN the i know alot of pple do tt...but i really think its loud...
7. I MISS PW!!! weird rite? lol...i think i miss doing stuff like interviews and meeting up w my PW mates...LOL
8. I percieve myself as shy...REALLY... i hate to be left in awkward situations...i dun really like approaching pple.
9. I hate my VOICE...i think i sound like A GUY...
10. I m a LIST-FREAK...i come up with lists for almost everything...even though i m not ORGANISED AT ALL

yup tt is about if its not interesting..there are some stuff that are totally off the NC16 list...LOL...JOKING!!! no la...i guess i'm so vocal and predictable tt pple know me far too well

Haha...and tt pple i tagged...btw i noe they wun reply til AFTER CTS...hmm...LENG!! Char. Shar. lol!! i run out of pple to tag!! lol...tired la dun wan to think le...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Haahaha this is by BoA anD Mflo...hahaha...i know its a damn old song but its nice...if anyone out there has it send it to me kay?? please?? thanks!! hahaha or anything by m'flo is okay too..i think m flo rocks...hahahah

Friday, June 8, 2007

All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Personality?? Relax and Chill

You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions

Hahahaah...yeah too bad studying is NOT my passion

Feminist? Me?

You Are 72% Feminist

You are certainly a feminist - whether you know it or not.
You believe in gender equality, at least most of the time. You also believe there are a few exceptions.

Hahahah...i m sure alot of the pple in my class would agree...hahaha...i m a feminist AND a violent person....mwhahahaha
Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

The Enthu Person!!!!

You Are 7: The Enthusiast

You are outgoing and playful - always seeing the happy side to life.
You're enthusiastic and excitable. You love anything new.

Multi-talented, you do many things well... and find success easy.
You prefer to keep things light with others. Opening up is hard for you.

At Your Best: You are deeply involved in each experience. You appreciate life for what it is, and you take the time to enjoy each moment.

At Your Worst: You are greedy, self centered, impulsive, and insatiable.

Your Fixation: Gluttony

Your Primary Fear: Deprivation and pain

Your Primary Desire: To be satisfied and content

Other Number 7's: Howard Stern, Cameron Diaz, Robin Williams, Jim Carey, and Jenny Mccarthy.

Hmmm...actually that is very very very true...hahaha...i huess i m kinda hyper but not in the jumpy sense but excitment to do things OTHER THEN study...hahahah

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Thanks Kel

Yesterday my sis shared with me a little of her wisdom...hahhaa...actually more of the wisdom she heard about but its wisdom all the here goes(courtesy of kel):

There's a little bit of seriousness in: "I'm just kidding."
There's a little bit of curiosity in: "I'm just wondering."
There's a little bit of knowledge in: "I don't know."
And, most importantly, there's a little bit of emotion in: "I don't care."

Hahahaa....i think its really true...don't you?

Well...i though of my version...hahaha...dedicated to lee hom of course (btw someone just complained they miss my lee hom craze...rite char?)

I love you...haha...I'm just kidding.
I'm just wondering: Do you love me back?
I don't know if I'll love you for life,
But, honestly, I don't care...
Because I only want to enjoy the now...

Hahahaha...not everyone will get it I'm afraid...