Friday, June 22, 2007


LOL!!! Stella gave me the TAG of my so schocked...i was MUGGING then decided to check my blog...and tagged...oh wellz here goes but i don't think i have tt i m NOT weird but i have very little known facts cos i m so VOCAL!! woots!!! hahaha...hope my class pple dun see this.
Rules of the game:Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about you.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag-backs!
PPle dun be freaked out kay?? my level of weird is like HELL weird

1. I fantasize a damn lot...and about just about everything...I daydream about my future, wat i would be in another lifetime, wat i m NOT ( daydream tt i m a talented singer? Lol but i noe i m not la)
2. I m actually very very afraid of is why before i go up to public speak...i m damn scared...but i PRETEND to be undaunted
3. Kay...this is not a little known fact...BUT ITS WEIRD!! I m actually NOT THAT in love w Lee Hom...i just appreciate his talent and accent...I DON'T THINK HE'S GOOD LOOKING AT ALL...*shocked*
4. I'm a REALLY REALLY contradicted person...i don't think tt there is anyone as contradicted as i m...i'm talkative but sometimes i just shut up and dun say a word...I love attention but sometimes i wish tt i was not so "attention-seeking"...I hate being alone, yet at times i ENJOY walking around at malls ALONE...I love being unique (tt is wat i strive for ALL the time) but sometimes i regret it cos sometimes pple find it hard to relate to me...I LOVE KIDS, but i m SURE AS HELL i don't want my own...maybe i'll the list is endless
5. I talk to MYSELF...ALOT
6. I sing DAMN the i know alot of pple do tt...but i really think its loud...
7. I MISS PW!!! weird rite? lol...i think i miss doing stuff like interviews and meeting up w my PW mates...LOL
8. I percieve myself as shy...REALLY... i hate to be left in awkward situations...i dun really like approaching pple.
9. I hate my VOICE...i think i sound like A GUY...
10. I m a LIST-FREAK...i come up with lists for almost everything...even though i m not ORGANISED AT ALL

yup tt is about if its not interesting..there are some stuff that are totally off the NC16 list...LOL...JOKING!!! no la...i guess i'm so vocal and predictable tt pple know me far too well

Haha...and tt pple i tagged...btw i noe they wun reply til AFTER CTS...hmm...LENG!! Char. Shar. lol!! i run out of pple to tag!! lol...tired la dun wan to think le...

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