Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My thoughts...you may disagree

Not a day passes without my thinking of me husband...hahah i truly am a lee hom freako....hahahaha...actually i lot of things happed the past few weeks that truly made me think about the value of bgr...I think that we must luv someone who is not just good looks but most importantly of good character...there are a lot of time that person may not be like the shuai-est person but having a good eart just melts your heart dun you think? If i told this to christine...she would probably say animatedly,"ahahaha...like QUAN"...but to me its like lee hom!! actually truthfully speaking he is not THAT good looking....he's got eye bags and all...but just his talent and everything rolled up into...just makes him so lovable!!!

Talking about bgr...i guess its sadistic of me...but i highly doubt that they last...break up is inevitable...even in marriage is also the same...people just can't love each other forever and ever...its not possible...what i see in you today...i may not see in the future...BUT...the main issue lies in how ou accept it...one must accept that the relationship will probably NOT work out... BEFORE one actually delves into a relationship...if u can accpet the fact te break up is ALMOST always inevitable, then can you get involved. What's the point of fighting for something that is no longer existent? Same case of guys and gurls...gurls should not cry and die over a break up and guys should not mope and try to fight to get back together...JUST ACCEPT IT!! i may not be a love expert...but i DO know that love usually doesn't work out so accept it in a gentlemanly/ladylike way...it does not help ANYONE to mope around...

Monday, March 26, 2007

GOSH!!its only mon and i already want my weekend!!! HAHAHA....haiz...today morning there was a really heavy downpour...and evidently there were alot of latecomers...can you believe how many people from our class actually made it assembly?! 5!!! hahaha...SO FUNNY LA...only deyao, yingxu, CHU LING (YEAH...CHU LING...CAN U BELIEVE IT...CHU! NO OFFENSE!!) jessica and me...haahaha...i m sure mr low had an easy time attendance taking not like the usual craning his neck to find people...

today got the shock of my life!!!At first on our way to PE, xiao min told us the "new" teacher (cos our pervious teacher say she not working at NJC animore...but never said when she was quitting) and she said the new teacher made them run 12 rounds cos her fren's class was late!!! Wah...i totally chiong man!!!!!!I was so freaking scared la!!! Then ying xu confirmed the story, i was so tempted to just do a "dissapearing act"!! But luckily the teacher never change yet...

So for PE it was quite chiong la...for me, it was pretty chiong...we ran 6 round in total the average timing was 2.00 for guys and 2.30 for the gals per round....AFTER THAT STILL GOT SOMEMORE!!!!! we had to the bench exercises and for the gurl most of us kept staying on the bench til the teacher turn to look at us...hahaha....I m sure tomorrow pe gonna be gym la...perhaps lower body ex?

I was so happy!! today there was free period!!! Hahaha...instead of the usual chem lesson...truth be told totally no energy to listen to chem after PE...So me char and chris just sat at the bytes and chatted...ermz...bout the stuff gurls usally talk about ba...

Haha...then after school we (me, char and ji) meet xue yuan and chien wei...Hahaah....chien wei suddenly told me to say hi to ji...when i did, he just raised his eyebrows at me in his usual JI fashion and all of us agreed that its so...pervertic? Hahaha...then he said he learnt it in kindergraden and we were all saying that he must have scared off all the kids so he spent time mugging that is why he now so JI!! hahaha...no offense kays ji?

Then after that me and char was talking to each other when ji turn around and said we looked as if we were discussing some conspiracy..hahaha...then me and char look at each other then pretended to be like planning some attack on ji...hahahah....

Yups that was about it for today...

Friday, March 23, 2007


kays...i dun mean tuoched as in like violated touched...i mean heart touched!!! Charffi!!!! She wrote about me so many times in her blog!!! Hahaha...but i just realised so many things happen tt is so "farny"!!!Hahaah...but i lazy to rite eh...maybe i should copy hers...hehehehe....

(extract 1)

ok.. assembly.. nothin much happened.
before lecture began, me, christine, steffi n mich were toking animatedly abt fahrenheit! i think wu zun's the most shuai, jiro and aaron damn cute. like boy-boy. christine and mich sort-of agree. but steffi gave a diao look. her heart's with lee hom la.

forgot to bring specs today, so uber super helpful steffi helped me copy notes.
everybody else, except me, were so seeped into their notes.
feeling bored, i looked ard n laughed to myself.
quite funny to see the different "stressed" expressions.
if msn allows me to create emotions, i would have a lot of ideas!

yu ling damn random.
in the middle of the lecture, stood up and walked out.
LOL. me and steffi laughed for abt 5 mins. crazy fellows.
then steffi stomach pain cos of hiong tues pe. ahaha.
she laughed and cried out "pain!" at the same time.

(end of extract 1)

Hhahaah...i think i damn lame....

GP! the slackest tutorial!!
at TA block, steffi accompanied me to the toilet. but i changed my mind due to the long queue.
so we saundered to our classrm.
put down our bags slowly.
admired eng chiew's envelope.
then i changed my mind agn.
we stood outside for a moment. and think.
of which toilet to go to. 3 options. each roughly the same dist.
lol. was retarded la. stood outside to choose our toilet. ahah!

our class only greeted our dearest tutor, ms ong, 20mins after the previous bell had gone.
gp class, to me, is more of a laughing session. esp, the last row ppl.
today, we went thru ct essay qn 12 abt teenage years.
ms ong asked us how to define teenage yrs.
many ans were given.. some sounded wrong..
maturity? 13-19yrs old? 13-21?(no diff.) puberty stage? productivity?(LOL!)
wad i feel is innocence. which was the topic of the focus grp discussion aft sch with cw, steffi and ji on mon.
but anws, me, ji and steffi were having our own discussion. on teenage angst.
steffi damn saddist. tok abt depression.
ji whole day act cute. he's like totally different from his normal self.
made the girls sitting in front of us laughed.
asked him which gal he wants to attract. but he denied it. haha.


hAHAAHA!!!Damn funny!!!that was wat happened yesterday!!! Hahaha...today also got alot of funny things happen...

During assembly i was talking bout my husband again to mich when suddenly char turn around and look at me with this bored expression on her face...then she said "toking bout lee hom?" Hahaha...kay...i think onli i found tt funny....Then fast forward to GP!!!MY FAV LESSON...actually i quite pity our gp tutor she is so nice that all of us keep taking advantage of her...She wanted to ask for 5 dollars for class GP fund but she looked so embarrassed and look as if she felt bad to ask for it!!! Gosh...she is soooo nice...then again it was major laughing session but not as siao as yest cos no energy already...After GP me and char went for "drinks" at happy hour break...hahaha....had cocktail...longan cocktail...we even had the nerve to cheers...hahahaha....

Oh i just tot of something damn funny...when we were teasing ji about how he was sooo smart that he did not even need to study...he looked at us with this guilty expression and said "actually...i got mug one la....got la...." hahaha....he said it as if it were a crime!! hahaha...JI!! stop acting cute la!!!


I have officially flunked my CTs..welll maybe not ALL my CTs but most...surprisingly...i m not tt upset!!! I guess i just noe that i have to buck up but i dun see the grades as something i should die over...Maybe its cos i have lee hom by my side!!! Hahaha....kidding...but its just CTS la...so muz work harder and hope i dun fail animore!!! Come to think of it i kinda can't wait for A levels to be over...THEN CAN ENJOY!!! Hahaha...wonder what i'll do after A's?? I guess get a part time job and learn somthing? new language maybe? maybe....Hahaha...talking about jobs there is one job that i have been playing around with...like something that i might want to be...I have not told anyone about this idea yet...cos it seems quite absurd...hahaha....i guess its about time to say it...I WANNA BE A MUSIC PRODUCER!! but it does not seem that possible considering i have no music talent at all, much less to say music background...haiz...but i reallly like to listen to songs and come up with MVs...its so cool....haiz....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am going Crazy

Its not so much the fact that i m losing my mind that affects me...but how much i m sinking so deep to the point of no return that scares me...

At first i did not really thin of it as an issue...but now the more i think about my osession for my husband is getting a little toooo obsessive...bit dangerous huh? Die la~!!!How? Oh and i must share with all of you my views on concerts and autograph sessions!!!

I WILL NEVER GO TO A LEE HOM AUTOGRAPH SESSION OR CONCERT!!!Why? Can you imagine how painful it would be...to be so excited that you can finally meet the "light of YOUR life" and then when it comes to tt ultimate moment........he just shakes your hand and says thank you as if you are invisible...not only tt you will also meet a whole lot of people who are equally crazy about him...whats the point?

Furthermore, rather then spend 100 dollars on his concert why not just by the dvd? then you can see him close up (better then at the stadium) and watch it again and again....Hhaah...Also it cheaper too!!!

Thus. i would rather sacrifice all my chance of seeing him then let him see me as nothing...

Okay...i m going so mad...die!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

To Kel

So...Kel since you r always complainig about how i dun mention you in any of my posts, I'll dedicate one whole post to you! Happy? Firstly, I'd like to say: STOP STEALING MY HANDPHONE!!!!! And SECOND: return me my earphones!!! Alright now that the 1st 2 issues have been dealt with (note: don't kill me just yet), i would just like to say thanks for being there for me all the time of my entire life...Luv ya! Muacks

Happy now?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Blogthing 5

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP)

Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.

Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Blogthing 4

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.

Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.

With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situation, you seem like you're oblivious to the stress.

OMG!!! mystrious and interesting?? Hahah...I think i m more of wierd and clumsy...hahaha...but the stress part is quite true i guess

Blogthings 3

Your Linguistic Profile:
40% General American English
30% Yankee
20% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

Mwahaha..Shows how "mixed" i am...OMG!!I'm a yankee!! wait a min...is tt a good thing?

Blogthings 2

You Are The Wheel of Fortune

You represent the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
You embrace change, the the ups and downs of life.
Fate is something you accept, even when you could possibly change things.
Big things tend to happen to you more than other people.

Your fortune:

Something huge is about to happen in your life, and you have little control over it.
You must accept your destiny, but luckily it is good fortune that has come your way.
Big things and big changes are about to come your way.
And while things will be intense for a while, they will be followed by a period of rest.

Wow!!! Haha...maybe i m finally gonna marry my husband!! Hahaha...makes sense?

Blogthings 1

Your Dosha is Pitta
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor.
You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader.
Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways.
But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical.

With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you

In love: You are picky but passionate

To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight.

Hmm...I wonder how true this is?? I think the love part is quite true!! I will only pick my husband!!HaHAHA....Friends i guess okay la... wat do you think?

List of my Resolutions!!!

Kays...its a BIT late for this...but whatever...

Things i WILL accomplish by DEC this year (i hope) :
1. Marry my Husband (hehehe)
2. Lose weight in time for my wedding! (hahaha...kidding la...just lose about 9 kilo...hahah)
3. Work hard for my A level (and hopefully get into SMU...but i doubt it)
4. Leave my hair long (so that i will look nicer in my wedding photos...hahaha)
5. Finish my 10 Gavel projects
6. Go for a whole lot of Kbox practise once my A levels are over (dun worry shar i will ask u to come...hahaha)

That is about it for now...Hahaha...but i think i cannot fulfil any of them...but at least i can try!! haahah...

Jia You Steff!

Open House

Haha...actually open house is quite meaningless...I mean it was cool to go and see the school campus and hear all the talks about uni life...but not much as told like SPECIFICALLY how to get a better chance of enrollment...I only went to 1 uni actually ;P Hahaha....I only went to SMU with Michelle....but it was quite cool la...All the Exchange prog were really cool...ESP the US Exchange Programme which would be like for 1 term then pay onli local school fees... SO COOL! Who knows? if i go i might get myself an ABC BF! Hahaha...Kidding!!! But come to think of it...that might be nice! hahaha....YEAH...and tt person might look like LEE HOM!!! ok fine...i better slap myself *slap slap*...I m daydreaming again....But SMU is so diff to get in...I mean its like onli 1 out of 8 aplicants get enrolled!!! Goodness!!! That means i have to work hard....man...CT just over then get stressed until like that!! Haiz...

Oh after i went for the open house from like 12 to 12.45 then i went home ;P Haha...too many pple...so sianz...dun feel like squeezing! hahaha then at about 4 i went jogging!!! YAY!!! I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! then i can marry my husband!!! hahaha...We went quite far in my opinion...Hahaha but i tink to all e OAC pple its like chicken feet man...I ran from my house to Chu ling's place then all e way to njc...then from njc back to my house...wah....now my feet aching...hahaha...maybe i should keep running for the rest of the hols!! Haha....

Hahahaha...i ran out of things to say...kays...see you pple soon!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I Love Him!!

It's official! I love Wang Lee Hom! The guy is just too damn talented, too damn hot and too damn irresistable!!! Gosh...I m going crazy...almost as bad as char liking tt guy from Farenheit...hahah...oh the song i put up is quite an old song...its by him and this woman called Lee ann...i think both of them have really good voices...hahaha...I LOVE YOU LEE HOM!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Tianjin Reunion!!

Haha...today was really fun (probably cos i kept singing my husband's song...haha) we went for lunch at Taka Food court...Then met char and en chun to go sing kbox... Haha....then the 3 of us mass sms my godsis...hahaah....i guess that was what made him change his mind and come for the reunion...hahaha....Oh rite! We took neoprints too!! I'll put tt up in a min...some of the pics are so damn cute... I luv the "dao" one...It so cute!!!Haaha...esp you sharine!!hahaha...Actually its embarrassing but its my 1st time going kbox :P Shhh...I know...i m slow...hahaha...at first i really was quite shoked cuz the room was quite smelly (the cigarette smell) and it was small...but after singing...i guess it was really fun... ESPECIALLY SINGING MY HUSBAND'S SONGS!!! Haha...we sang so many songs it was crazy...still none of us could beat the kbox queen...SHARINE!!! hahah...her voice is really really good! Haha...NEXT TIME I GO KBOX MUZ ASK U TO COME SHAR! Hahah...

Kay...i forgot wat else i wanted to rite...so i'll just post the pics

My Very FIRST Post

Mwahaha...my blog!!!Ok this is just weird...having my blog on the same dashboard as the class blog...kinda stupid too...but whatever la...i dun really care if anyone just crashes and post silly stuff (not tt anyone would be silly ehuf to do it)... i dun really plan to really put in alot of effort on this blog...just feel tempted to write one ;P