Friday, March 23, 2007


I have officially flunked my CTs..welll maybe not ALL my CTs but most...surprisingly...i m not tt upset!!! I guess i just noe that i have to buck up but i dun see the grades as something i should die over...Maybe its cos i have lee hom by my side!!! Hahaha....kidding...but its just CTS muz work harder and hope i dun fail animore!!! Come to think of it i kinda can't wait for A levels to be over...THEN CAN ENJOY!!! Hahaha...wonder what i'll do after A's?? I guess get a part time job and learn somthing? new language maybe? maybe....Hahaha...talking about jobs there is one job that i have been playing around something that i might want to be...I have not told anyone about this idea yet...cos it seems quite absurd...hahaha....i guess its about time to say it...I WANNA BE A MUSIC PRODUCER!! but it does not seem that possible considering i have no music talent at all, much less to say music background...haiz...but i reallly like to listen to songs and come up with MVs...its so cool....haiz....

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