Monday, March 26, 2007

GOSH!!its only mon and i already want my weekend!!! morning there was a really heavy downpour...and evidently there were alot of latecomers...can you believe how many people from our class actually made it assembly?! 5!!! hahaha...SO FUNNY LA...only deyao, yingxu, CHU LING (YEAH...CHU LING...CAN U BELIEVE IT...CHU! NO OFFENSE!!) jessica and me...haahaha...i m sure mr low had an easy time attendance taking not like the usual craning his neck to find people...

today got the shock of my life!!!At first on our way to PE, xiao min told us the "new" teacher (cos our pervious teacher say she not working at NJC animore...but never said when she was quitting) and she said the new teacher made them run 12 rounds cos her fren's class was late!!! Wah...i totally chiong man!!!!!!I was so freaking scared la!!! Then ying xu confirmed the story, i was so tempted to just do a "dissapearing act"!! But luckily the teacher never change yet...

So for PE it was quite chiong la...for me, it was pretty chiong...we ran 6 round in total the average timing was 2.00 for guys and 2.30 for the gals per round....AFTER THAT STILL GOT SOMEMORE!!!!! we had to the bench exercises and for the gurl most of us kept staying on the bench til the teacher turn to look at us...hahaha....I m sure tomorrow pe gonna be gym la...perhaps lower body ex?

I was so happy!! today there was free period!!! Hahaha...instead of the usual chem lesson...truth be told totally no energy to listen to chem after PE...So me char and chris just sat at the bytes and chatted...ermz...bout the stuff gurls usally talk about ba...

Haha...then after school we (me, char and ji) meet xue yuan and chien wei...Hahaah....chien wei suddenly told me to say hi to ji...when i did, he just raised his eyebrows at me in his usual JI fashion and all of us agreed that its so...pervertic? Hahaha...then he said he learnt it in kindergraden and we were all saying that he must have scared off all the kids so he spent time mugging that is why he now so JI!! offense kays ji?

Then after that me and char was talking to each other when ji turn around and said we looked as if we were discussing some conspiracy..hahaha...then me and char look at each other then pretended to be like planning some attack on ji...hahahah....

Yups that was about it for today...

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