Sunday, March 11, 2007

Open House

Haha...actually open house is quite meaningless...I mean it was cool to go and see the school campus and hear all the talks about uni life...but not much as told like SPECIFICALLY how to get a better chance of enrollment...I only went to 1 uni actually ;P Hahaha....I only went to SMU with Michelle....but it was quite cool la...All the Exchange prog were really cool...ESP the US Exchange Programme which would be like for 1 term then pay onli local school fees... SO COOL! Who knows? if i go i might get myself an ABC BF! Hahaha...Kidding!!! But come to think of it...that might be nice! hahaha....YEAH...and tt person might look like LEE HOM!!! ok fine...i better slap myself *slap slap*...I m daydreaming again....But SMU is so diff to get in...I mean its like onli 1 out of 8 aplicants get enrolled!!! Goodness!!! That means i have to work just over then get stressed until like that!! Haiz...

Oh after i went for the open house from like 12 to 12.45 then i went home ;P Haha...too many sianz...dun feel like squeezing! hahaha then at about 4 i went jogging!!! YAY!!! I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! then i can marry my husband!!! hahaha...We went quite far in my opinion...Hahaha but i tink to all e OAC pple its like chicken feet man...I ran from my house to Chu ling's place then all e way to njc...then from njc back to my my feet aching...hahaha...maybe i should keep running for the rest of the hols!! Haha....

Hahahaha...i ran out of things to say...kays...see you pple soon!!!

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