Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Eng Translation of Du chang qing ge

Woots!!! I did it!!! i translated the lyrics!!! hahaha...i dunno why i love doing fun!!! wrote it myslef!! hahaha...i rock!!! was really fun!!! hahaha...but some part i did my own inference cos its like imagery in chinese then cannot tranlate into eng..hahaha...hope u enjoy...

In a moonlight and star-filled sky,
Who is the crying sky trying to imitate?
A period of breeze, a piece of song, brings the memories of you.
I only regret that in my prime, ego hides how I truly feel.
And I choose abandonment because of the smallest of things.

Springtime feels like bitter winter, as I hibernate with open eyes.
One heart with a disease, that sees leaves constantly falling
How can this love be so long?
That it winds into thousands of knots.

Is there a sword
That can truly separate a love that seems ever-entangled
Is there any thread
That can stitch back a torn relationship
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
A torture that I cannot escape
Only in times or peril will my true feelings be divulged.
As we bid farewell, the memories linger on.
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
Unable to keep worries at bay without you by my side.
Though my concern is hidden from my eyes, it remains in my heart
I can’t help but wish to hold your hands again

In a moonlight and star-filled sky,
Who is the crying sky trying to imitate?
I can no longer see her smile as she holds flowers in her hand
I can only hear you from the past,
Your promises made to me through your eyes.

Springtime feels like bitter winter, as I hibernate with open eyes.
As stubbornness drags happiness further and further away
While I refuse to back down just a step
As a result I lose all that I have.

Is there a sword
That can truly separate a love that seems ever-entangled
Is there any thread
That can stitch back a torn relationship
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
A torture that I cannot escape
Only in times or peril will my true feelings be divulged.
As we bid farewell, the memories linger on.
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
Unable to keep worries at bay without you by my side.
Though my concern is hidden from my eyes, it remains in my heart
I can’t help but wish to hold your hands again

As I stand, the willow tree dazzles my eyes
In a lonely alley,
There is someone crying in silence.

Is there a sword
That can truly separate a love that seems ever-entangled
Is there any thread
That can stitch back a torn relationship
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
A torture that I cannot escape
Only in times or peril will my true feelings be divulged.
As we bid farewell, the memories linger on.
Solitarily singing love songs is the worst agony
Unable to keep worries at bay without you by my side.
Though my concern is hidden from my eyes, it remains in my heart
I can’t help but wish to hold your hands again

Monday, May 28, 2007

Du Chang Qing Ge

Hahahaha...i noe its damn Chi-Na...BUT I LOVE IT hahahah...i dunnoe but somehow it seems to fit how i m feeling now...hahaha....singing qing ge on my own...hahahaha...hope u like it...i noe its really a long time ago but when it come to chi songs...hahaha..i m really lag



xia xuan yue xing man tian
xiang shui lei lian lian
yi zheng feng yi shou ge yao huang si nian
zhi hen nian shao ai cheng qian
wei xiao shi qing yan li bie

zai chun tian guo dong tian zhang yan jing dong mian
yi ke xing yi zhong bing bu ting luo ye
jiu qing zhen mo na mo chang
da le rao le ji qian jie

you mei you yi ba jian
ke yi zhan duan le ou duan shi lian
you mei you yi tiao xian
neng feng che shan le yan
du chang qing ge zui ku she
tao bu liao de zhe mo
dang sheng shi xiang shu shuo chu kou
bie hou xuan nian yi jiu
du chang qing ge zui ku she
guan bu zhu de li chou
gan shang mei tou you shang xing tou
wo hao xiang zai nuan he ni shou

xia xuan ye xing man tian xiang shui lei lian lian
ta wei xiao ta peng hua dou kan bu jian
wo zhi ting zhe ni chong qian
peng zhe shen zhang de shi yan

zai chun tian guo dong tian zhang yan jing dong mian
kan jue jiang dai xin fu yue zhou yue yuan
you shi bu yuan rang yi dian
zui hou que shi qu yi qie

wo zhan zai liu shu za yan ji mo hu tong
shui zai nong tang tu rang cheng mo lei liu

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Class CIP

Hahaha...yesterday was the class cip day...hahah...i have to admit i was kind of disgruntled when i was told to come i put my alarm at 6...then snooze all the way to 6.30!! hahaha...i noe...i m a lazy bum...oh wellz... Then my mom dropped me off at Lavender MRT station and i took it down all the way to Tampines...POINT OF INFORMATION: i hate that area. Cos i get lost EVERY SINGLE TIME i m there...i have been there like 3 times?? and i get lost....and end up looking damn blur and asking for directions...harhar....

Then we finally got to the primary school (we ran there by the way)... and we had to prepare the games...Then we faced one problem...the letters that we written on paper won't was in a pail of flour+water...then the paper was put into ziplog (dunno how to spell) bags... so i had a crazy put the remaining dry flour into the bags as well...problem 2: we had no spoon to pour it in and pouring directly causes too much we did the next best thing...use straws...first, we dipped the straw into the flour...then transfer the straw to the ziplog bag and it would not come i had no choice but to...blow... hahahaha...all of the guys were calling me a "druggie" and i had to agree with them...hahahah. it was sooo funny... hahahah...expect that i had the taste of flour all over my mouth..bleh...

Then we played the station games and i was so happy to "sabo" some of my class mates!! hahaha sorry peeps!! its all in the name of good fun!! hahaha.... After that was joe's IQ game...wah some of the kids are really smart..i hate to admit it but some of the questions, i don't even noe the answer...hahaha...there was also this dress up game and joe made so much was quite comical.... he was like " Haiya...U CANNOT WIN ONE LA!! GIVE UP!!" hahahaah

Then later, during free and easy this gurl came up to me... she asked "Steffi ce ce...can i ask you a question??" then i smiled and said "Sure...what do u wanna ask??" hahaha and she asked "Why u loko so much like Olinda ce ce?" I ALMOST FAINTED!! hahahaha...i dun look like her at all... do i?? Hahahaha...aniway...then chu ling was asking her " the before or after oli?" so mean!! hahahaha but that gurl really quite cute la...such a female chauvinist!! just like me!! hahaha...SHE HATES TIM!! hahaah whenever tim trie to talk to her...she is like "one more word from you and i'll see u in supreme court!!" hahahah...funny....

Then later that same girl asked me to st down and started filling my fingers with sweet... hahahah... she said all the other ce ce onli got 3 then she give me 5...hahaha...yay!! i m a fav!! she even told me to give her my autograph...hahahah...damn funny la!! then she said "Steffi ce must believe day u'll be can go upstage to perform...really...believe me" hahahaha...i was flattered though i noe it is not true la...

Overall it was fun la and i can't wait to see them again...June 8th

Monday, May 21, 2007


I just realised the huge irony behind my blog site...perfect is not my thing...hmm...perfection...So what is it? Getting all As...looking the slimmest? being the smartest? being the coolest? being the hottest? being the happiest? the list just grows longer and longer...Then i realised that actually there is a diffrerent definition to perfection...Everyone sees it if the meanings of Perfection is so diverse...what does it become? Something never attainable....or something we look for in life when it is right beside us...

I always think...damn i wish i were perfect...i wish that I were smart, thin(definitely), popular, loved and happy....I wish that my special someone will like me....i wish i would stop failing my phy...I wish i were good in sports...i wish i were good in music and dance...I wish about so many things...but i end up being so upset when i can NEVER attain them...

Perfection...wat is it to me?? hmm...i guess its a balance in life that i have to me weird but...i guess to me it is...perfection is not to be someone whom everyone envies...perfection is to be happy with yourself... i guess to put it simply...its to be happy with what you have and viola...Perfect! I m popular cos i have so many friends who truly care about me...I m happy cos i have eveything...a good family, good school, lovely classmates, relative well off... I may not be thin...but at least i m not obese...My special someone may never love me...but oh well...there are so many other people who love me for who i m i don't have to change into someone i m not...

As for things that i want to achieve...perfection is in HAVING those dreams...its perfection because i have direction in life..i have somewhere to go... so i guess PERFECT IS MY THING...isn't it?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chu, this one's for you

Hey...i loved your concert tonight...really enjoyed myself!! Congrats, the concert really was a success...I luv your gold cute!! heh...Oh and you look nice in a skirt...very cute...and motherly...hahah...joking joking...hahaah... You did well tonight babe...hahah...dunnoe why i can't stop saying babe... haahha...Ani wway...I just wanted to say that from my experience as a dancer, you will love these memories and down the road of life...YOU'LL END UP SMILLING...I hope tonight was more memorable as it was mine....really proud of u babe...hahaha...And no matter what... my primary reason for going was YOU!! i hope u noe what i mean...hahaha...i had no regrets...

Jia You babe...hope to see u perform more!! and more SKIRTS!! heh
This is an extremely stupid and immpractical action...But then again, these past few days i have not been very rational...

Relationships...honestly, i have never had one...but now i think about it?? does it honestly do any good? you THINK you like that person but when you actually go out with them, they are totally different form what you expect...The inevitable result then comes: ugly sobby break ups. Is it worth it? I dun think so....However, if you don't try, then you will not be any better off...will you? People say it is better having had experienced then never before...But how much truth is in that? Is it better to lose a fren just for a few months fun...or to have a life-long fren?? Truthfully, I have no idea...

The reason why i m so afraid of relationships? Because of the sad realisation...that the one you love is not who he/she turned out to start off a relationship so excited and full of hope...but as the realtionship drags...your "mirror-facade" breaks into a million pieces and before you know it, you have been thrown into the whirld wind of torture...until the break up that is...Yah yah i know that there are the sweet time sin a relationship but who can guarantee that relationships and sweeter then bitter?? No one...each relationship is diffrent...the level of sugar and spice different and unexpected...BUT why take the gamble?? its just like the game of DEAL OR NO DEAL...take the deal and stay take home the consolation...NO deal...get ready to have the time of your heaven or hell...

Other then relationships, there is the worst part...crushes, one sided like a person, but not dare to take that initiative to find out more...and end up secretly, silently, individually ponding over nothingness...worth it? i think not...but the more you don't want to think about it...the more it goes into your head...the more is stays like a...hmmm....a a stomach ache tt won't go away... Other then that, you also start doing stupid things....and i really do mean stupid...but all of the effort goes to what's the point...and yet people can't help it...

Mankind...relationships...crushes...haiz...what more can i say?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Story Chapter 3

"Liz! I'm home!" Nick's reverberated across our home. I smiled and dropped my cooking utensils. As I ran towards the hallway, I wiped my hands on the apron tied around my waist. I saw him standing at the doorway and beamed. Following our daily ritual, I ran towards him and threw myself into his embrace. Then i saw someone behind him: the all-too good-looking, all-too rugged -- Brandon.

When Nick put me down again, I peered over Nick's shoulder and smiled warmly at Brandon. I have been married for 3 months and have been "vaccinated" against him. Haven't I? I shook my head as if this would shake away the silly notion from my mind. Once again I smiled and teased, "You dare to come back after my roast turkey??" He even had the cheek to laugh in my FACE! He was roaring with laughter and Nick even accompanied him as I thought of 2 weeks ago...
It was Nick's birthday and I wanted to do something special. Even though turkey was NOT my speciality, I knew it was Nick's favourite and I was determined to prepare it. Not only that, I also had the sudden inspiration to bake a cake for him. Soon after that, I had one inspiration after another and before long, a simple birthday meal became a 5 course dinner: salad, soup, appetizer, main course and dessert.

My cooking skills are passable but a 5 course meal has beyond my ability. As a result, the kitchen became my battleground. Pots were caked with gravy, sauces were spilt all over the table top, plates were stashed and stacked over the basin, overflowing immensely. Even I barely survived the encounter. My hair had in a mess, flour powdered over my face, gravy dyed my dress and my apron had seen much much better days. Before I could cover up my mistakes and do damage control, Nick came home. Lady Fate must have been having a field day as on this very day, Nick chose to surpirise me by sneaking up on me in the kitchen. (He payed for that action very dearly much later at night.) However, as Fate would have it, Nick had invited Brandon home for dinner and as a result I had two men gwaking at the enormous mess I had and staring at my worse-for-wear appearance. At the very end, after the 2 men stopped laughing we had a very simple meal for dinner: meatloaf.

That was 2 weeks ago and now as i stood there glaring at the 2 of them, I smiled inwardy, relieved that today's meal would be a huge success in comparison. "If the 2 of you don't stop, one of you will have a cold, empty dish," I stated coldly to Brandon, then turned to Nick, my eyes glemaing with evil, and continued "and the other...will have a very cold empty sheet..." Like a charm, both men stopped laughing. Brandon then slapped Nick at the back and whispered (not very softly) sympathetically, "Well... you got yourself a nice, demure, not to mention DEADLY wife..." I couldn't help it and burst out laughing.

For dinner we had steak and mashed potatoes and seemed to be having an animated conversation, when I went into the kitchen to get some more steak for them. When i came back, the atmosphere was worlds different. Brandon was frowning and Nick was straing blankly at the table cloth. "Now what has gotten into the 2 of you?" I asked, trying desperately to liven up the atmosphere once again...but it was no use...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

May all your dreams come true and success always be your shining star!!

Question 3

3. Why m i even writting this on my blog?

At blog was somewhere i could write about my innnermost feelings...what i wish to convey to the world yet afraid of doing it face-to-face....but...after today...that kind of changed....Today during GP, ME and JI...were like reading my blog in front of me...and it was so weird to see thier expressions and hear then reading it...ALOUD.....At that poinof time...i was totally convinced that I WOULD NEVER BE SO STUPID AS TO WRITE MY INNER MOST FEELINGS ANYMORE~~but now after claming down....i still guess its long as i dun check my blog in front of pple that i noe...i honestly dun really care if they are shocked or look at me differently...becos what i write is who i am and nothing will change that...neither do i want to have people misunderstanding me or thinking thati was another "personality"...

Also, my blog is where i could reeflect upon alot of i m doing is my way of sitting down...being clam and start writting...i really learnt alot more about myself through my blog...weird isn't it? but its the truth...i look at myself from a different perspective and just be so shallow as to look at the surface...And honestly....i don't mind if everyone else learns and reflects with me as well...

Lastly, my blog is where i have my own little world...where i can write about whatever or whoever i want blog is for my opnions no matter how radical they may be...and for that reason...ITS MY thoughts and my i guess its a part of me...some of u out there may not agree with me...but hey i m open to other's opnions...but if u dun like me or what i say...then honestly...its your choice to read it or not...Kay tt might have sounded kind of harsh but its how i blog is for me to voice out my opnions and not to suck up to others or the "conformist" opnions...I state whatever i feel...rite or wrong

I m so sorry that this post may seem a little harsh but i guess i m kind of serious w my blog...hahaha.i really am not mad or anything...just being dead need to cheer up...maybe a lee hom song might help...dunno y i suddenly feel so moody....maybe i m just tired...just got back form school...NOW FOR LEE HOM!! heh :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Time for Question 2

Hahahah...kay....question 2...what role does he play?

Hmmm....dis one could be quite hard to explain...

Kay 1st, he represents all the qualities i see in a guy...AMERICAN CHINESE....kind of a must for me la...i dun really find interest in guys whu dun speak w a accent...sorry!! i noe tt is very racist of me...but i can't imagine a guy who goes out w me converse all the time in "broken england"... Also he's got talent...i dun need a guy with musical talent but at least one talent...something that makes him unique, something that i can love him for and something that is...well, him. Third...i like guys with confidence and charm...he does not have to be like good looking or really hot...just confident of himself and THAT i find diff to look for in a guy...maybe not at this age yet la...hmm...i guess that is all i ask in a that weird?? I dun ask for him to love me w all his heart (cos i dun believe in true love or soulmate crap...sorry...but i dun) and i dun demand that he love me now and forever (cos i dun believe in forever matter how much lee hom sing about it...i still dun believe it...tis crap)

2nd...Lee Hom to me is like my pillar of strength...u all might say i m obssesed, crazy or just plain freaky...but he is...everytime something upsets me or makes me think this world stinks...i just listen to his songs and it really makes me feel better again...and i think i also take him as my role model. Firstly, he fought for his matter how bleak...he fought for it and he succeded and that is what i reallly towards your dreams...Secondly, he is so serious about what he does....and i think that is the kind of attitude i wanna adopt...(dun say i sound like mr will kill me....i juz wanna be like my husband)

Last, i guess i can relate to him better than any other singer...Each singer...comes from a specific country and respects his or her heritage (a unique heritage i might add) and the thing is he's like me...I dunno where i belong...I come from Indo...yet to me Indo is like my holiday destination...I m a Spore PR and my loyalty is to Spore yet sometimes i feel as if i m treated differently...I m not a true blue Singaporean....Now looking at Lee Hom...he grew up in the states...but now he is venturing into purely chinese cultural i guess it should be equally awkward...but to him...he adapts to it so easily...he repects all his roots (american and chinese) and does not try to stay stubborn on any side...So i guess i learn from that...I M BOTH INDO AND SPOREAN....i love spore but also indo...i guess i m still finding that balance but lee hom helps

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My thoughts

These few days i have been thinking abut quite a few things (by the way...u will noe its bad if my imagination runs wilds...harhar):
1. Why am i so obsessed over Lee Hom?
2. What role does he play in my life?
3. Why m i even writting this on my blog?
4. Why do i even have a blog?(i was thinking of this as i read shar's blog)
HEH...just realised its alot of how bout i explain each one every day?

Firstly...Lee Hom...All my friends are like *groan* every time I show them this silly grin on my face...they will be like "Lee Hom? Again?"...NOT that i blame them...i mean i guess it can be kind of annoying... And my entire CLASS knows my obsession for him...even deyao did this GC thingy with me professing my love for Lee Hom... So it makes me think...why am i so obessed over him when other girls are like evidently not as crazy as me? WHY? i thought of it over the past few days...and honestly, i could not come up with a definite answer...

I mean...i know that i have NO chance with him...i know that...even if by the bigest MIRACLE in life...i actually get the chance to meet him...and an even more impossible miracle of him interested in me...I WILL NOT DATE HIM...NOT AT ALL...why? he can't give me the security i want...Also, we have religious differences and A HUGE age gap...So if there is no chance why be so obsessed?? You can call me weird but i think that it is PRECISELY that he and I have no chance together that i can be so tell u the truth...I M SCARED. i m scared of relationships...yet when every you see them, read about them or have anything to do with them...I kind of envy them, yet fear it with my life...ONCE i find out someone likes me...I RUN...i seriously mean RUN LIKE might be laughing your head off and saying something along the lines of "someone would actually LIKE her??" hahaha....but its the truth that i fear relationships. So i guess here's how Lee Hom comes into the picture. HE...will never ask me out. HE...will never treat me any differently then filling up my windows media player. and lastly...HE sets the standard...i kind of have no interest in other guys cos they can never compare to i will never have to put myself into the danger of getting into a relationship...

Another reason that i m so obsessed with him is just to keep me sane. When i m under a lot a lot of pressure...i need to let my imagination go wild... and w Lee Hom (whose like perfect by my standards) my imagination can go as wild as...i dun even noe what...but wild...and that is my way of not buckling under the immense stress...

The last really sad my opinion...but its a reason all the same and i suspect that this reason is more significant then i want it to be... TO ME LEE HOM HAS BEEN WHAT I HAVE CREATED MY PERSONALITY AROUND....i crave uniqueness...i really do....i strive on being different...and i guess i had subconciously used him...To almost all my frens i m first and foremost "THE LEE HOM FREAK" and even to my classmates...and i guess i like has become my personality...that i m the weird lee hom me weird but i m different all the same... Perfect is not my thing but being unique is...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lee hom's new song!!

I got it! i got it!! lee hom's new song!! i kinda like it ...but tt is after hearing it like a few times...i think it suits my is just a game...and he sings ren sheng ru xi...xi ru ren sheng!! hahaha...we got telephathy!!! hahaha


You know what?? i just found the CUTEST, MOST ADORABLE PIC of my husband to date!! its really really cute!!!

Isn't it just adorable??? my heart is melting!!!

Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom showsemotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance your personality.


Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest And loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.


Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.


Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confidant. Sensitive. Positive Attitude.Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling. Systematic. Hot but has brains.


Stubborn and hard-hearted (WELL HE WAS STUBBORN ENOUGH TO STOP STUDYING SCIENCE TO BE A DOC AND GO FOR MUSIC!!). Strong-willed and highly motivated (MOTIVATED TOWARD MUSIC..ALWAYS). Sharp thoughts. Easily angered (ONLY WHEN PPLE SAY HE'S GAY...). Attracts others and loves attention (HE WOULD NOT BE A SINGER IF HE DID NOT LIKE ATTENTION). Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally (WOOT!! HOT BOD!!). Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex (AWW...THAT IS SO ENDEARING!). Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain) (HE'S LEFT HANDED!!! BUT FOR MUSIC ITS THE RIGHT BRAIN RITE? SO HE'S USING BOTH!!). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck (EAR?? NO!! THAT WOULD MEAN HE'S LIKE BEETHOVEN!! NO!! MY HUSBAND'S PERFECT!!)). Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing.Loves literature and the arts (HEH...DUH!). Loves traveling (HE DOES TRAVEL ALOT). Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children (YAY! I DUN WAN KIDS TOO!! OKIE...TOO MUCH INFO HUH?). Hardworking (ALWAYS SO SERIOUS WHEN IT COMES TO HIS MUSIC). High-spirited.


You've got the best personality (HAHAH!!YAY!! I M A WINNING PERSONALITY!) and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt (FLIRT?! NEVER! UNLESS W LEE HOM LA! THEN ITS OK...) and more than likely have an a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie (WOO!!!!! YES YES YES!!! I KNEW IT!! ME AND LEE HOM ARE DESTINCED TO BE TOGETHER!!!). It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection (HAHAHA...STILL COLLECTING LA...LEE HOM'S ALBUMS). You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself (OMG!! MAYBE TT IS HOW I'LL MEET HIM!!)- heck, you've got the looks for it!!!


Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strongsense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.


Outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. No self-control. Kind hearted. Self-confident. Loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. Easy to get along with and talk to. Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. Likes talking and singing. Loves music. Daydreamer. Easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying. in need of "that someone". Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. Lives by "no pain no gain" caring. Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. Independent. Strong willed. A fighter.


Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous.Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional. Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore. Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.


Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable. Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.


Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent. Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship withsomeone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.


This straight-up means you are the most good-looking person possible... Better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. One guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves music. Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive.
This is pretty neat.

If your birthday is on...... Oh i m red by the way(tt is why u can see my comments...and lee hom' may its...GOLD!!! omg!! tt was the colour i wanted to be...i was wanna be gold...then he's it!!goash!! yay...k so i'll definitely be commenting on tt too...Oh and i just realised my lee hom's bdae is coming up! prepare gifts u guys!!

December 23rd~ January 1st = Red
January 2nd ~ January 11th = Orange
January 12th ~ January 24th = Yellow
January 25th ~ February 3rd = Pink
February 4th ~ February 8th = Blue
February 9th ~ February 18th = Green
February 19th ~ February 28th = Brown
March 1st ~ March 10th = Aqua
March 11th ~ March 20th = Lime
March 21st = Black
March 22nd ~March 31st = Purple
April 1st ~ April 10th = Navy
April 11th ~ April 20th = Silver
April 21st ~ April 30th = White
May 1st ~ May 14th = Blue
May 15th ~ May 24th = Gold
May 25th ~ June 3rd= Cream
June 4th ~ June 13th = Grey
June 14th ~ June 23rd = Maroon
June 24th = Grey
June 25th ~ July 4th = Red
July 5th ~ July 14th = Orange
July 15th ~ July 25th = Yellow
July 26th ~ August 4th = Pink
August 5th ~ August 13th = Blue
August 14th ~ August 23rd = Green
August 24th ~ September 2nd = Brown
September 3rd ~ September 12th = Aqua
September 13th ~ September 22nd = Lime
September 23rd = Olive
September ! 24th ~October 3rd = Purple
October 4th ~ October 13th = Navy
October 14th ~ October 23rd = Silver
October 24th ~ November 11th = White
Novem! ber 12th ~ November 21st = Gold
November 22nd ~ December 1st = Cream
December 2nd ~ December 11th = Grey
December 12th ~ December 21st = Maroon
December 22nd = Teal

*RED* *Cute and lovable type (YAY!!HAHAH I KNEW I WAS NOT "ACT"CUTE BUT REALLY ORIGIANLLY CUTE!!), You are picky but always in love (HOW TRUE!!PICKY OF ME TO CHOOSE LEE HOM AND ALWAYS IN LOVE WITH HIM!!)...and liked to be loved (OF COURSE!! WHU WOULD NOT WANT TO BE LOVED BY A STAR?). Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times (HMM...QUITE TRUE...BUT AS LONG AS I THINK OF LEE HOM..IT MAKES MY DAY!!). Capable with people nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are (SOUNDS SO MUCH LIKE HIM...YOU NOE WHU "HIM" IS RITE?). Likes people that are easy to talk to and can make you feel comfortable.

*CREAM* *Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long time.

*TEAL* *You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead and it is easy for you to make new friends.

*GREY* *You are attractive and active. You never hide your feelings and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up someone's day. You know what to say at the right time and you have good sense of humor

GREEN* *You get along well with new people. You are not really a>shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person.

*GOLD* *You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going (HAHA...YEAH YOU SOUND SEE HIM ON GAME SHOWS...ITS SO FUNNY!!HAHAHA). It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time (MAN!! I HOPE TT ITS ME!!HAHAH!!JOKIN!).

*PINK* *You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.

*YELLOW* *You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of a romantic relationship.

*MAROON** You are intelligent and know what's right. You like to make things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble for not thinking about other people's feelings. But you're patient when it comes to love. Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

*ORANGE* *You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach and you really work hard to get there, you are competitive. Your friends are really important to you and you appreciate what you have. You sometimes over react because you are sensitive.

*PURPLE* *You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for a person that's trustworthy.

*LIME* *You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you.

*SILVER* *You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever.

*BLACK* *You are challenging, and have the "guts". But you don't like changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging, and different.

*OLIVE* *You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, people that are easy to talk but don't envy other people easily.

*BROWN* **You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily.

*BLUE* **You may have low self-esteem, and can be very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart.

*NAVY* **You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them.

*WHITE* **You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you.

*AQUA* **Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like traveling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other people too easily!! It's hard to find love for you, and get lost in love easily. Sometimes get hurt by love

Lee Hom-Mile High

I just realised my husband's damn sexy...hahah..KIDDING!! i realised that a long long tima ago...but now i have newly recharged my appreciation for his sexiness...hahaha...i luv him singing in eng!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Damn long time no post!! hahaha oh wellzzz....dunnoe how to continue story...will do it soon...hahaha.... but first...

What does your name mean? damn funny


S- Easy to fall in love with. (hee...i wish lee hom would noe tt!)
T- You're loyal to those you love. (YEP!!! LEE HOM FOREVER BABY)
E- Damn good kisser. (ermz not sure...but i noe lee hom is one! his tongue can twist 360deg!!!)
F- People adore you (hahaha...thanks you thank you!! to all my fans out there!)
F- People adore you (yeah yeah...its so true u have to repeat it!)
I- You have a fine ass (well...that's a nice ending!)

A - You like to drink.
B- You like people.
C- You're wild and crazy
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E- Damn good kisser.
F- People adore you
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You have a fine ass
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You are really silly.
L- You live to have fun.
M- Success comes easily to you.
N- You are absolutely beautiful.
O- You are one of the best in bed.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Fuckin sexy.
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for.
Z- Always ready.

OF COURSE! how could i forget my darling
L- You live to have fun. (heh...he's a singer damn it!!hey shows its accurate!)
E- Damn good kisser
E- Damn good kisser (its soooo true its repeated!!)

H- You have a very good personality and looks. (hahah...dito)
O- You are one of the best in bed. (ermz...*cough cough*)
M- Success comes easily to you. (u can say tt again...he's like always successful!!)