Sunday, May 20, 2007

This is an extremely stupid and immpractical action...But then again, these past few days i have not been very rational...

Relationships...honestly, i have never had one...but now i think about it?? does it honestly do any good? you THINK you like that person but when you actually go out with them, they are totally different form what you expect...The inevitable result then comes: ugly sobby break ups. Is it worth it? I dun think so....However, if you don't try, then you will not be any better off...will you? People say it is better having had experienced then never before...But how much truth is in that? Is it better to lose a fren just for a few months fun...or to have a life-long fren?? Truthfully, I have no idea...

The reason why i m so afraid of relationships? Because of the sad realisation...that the one you love is not who he/she turned out to start off a relationship so excited and full of hope...but as the realtionship drags...your "mirror-facade" breaks into a million pieces and before you know it, you have been thrown into the whirld wind of torture...until the break up that is...Yah yah i know that there are the sweet time sin a relationship but who can guarantee that relationships and sweeter then bitter?? No one...each relationship is diffrent...the level of sugar and spice different and unexpected...BUT why take the gamble?? its just like the game of DEAL OR NO DEAL...take the deal and stay take home the consolation...NO deal...get ready to have the time of your heaven or hell...

Other then relationships, there is the worst part...crushes, one sided like a person, but not dare to take that initiative to find out more...and end up secretly, silently, individually ponding over nothingness...worth it? i think not...but the more you don't want to think about it...the more it goes into your head...the more is stays like a...hmmm....a a stomach ache tt won't go away... Other then that, you also start doing stupid things....and i really do mean stupid...but all of the effort goes to what's the point...and yet people can't help it...

Mankind...relationships...crushes...haiz...what more can i say?

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