Monday, May 21, 2007


I just realised the huge irony behind my blog site...perfect is not my thing...hmm...perfection...So what is it? Getting all As...looking the slimmest? being the smartest? being the coolest? being the hottest? being the happiest? the list just grows longer and longer...Then i realised that actually there is a diffrerent definition to perfection...Everyone sees it if the meanings of Perfection is so diverse...what does it become? Something never attainable....or something we look for in life when it is right beside us...

I always think...damn i wish i were perfect...i wish that I were smart, thin(definitely), popular, loved and happy....I wish that my special someone will like me....i wish i would stop failing my phy...I wish i were good in sports...i wish i were good in music and dance...I wish about so many things...but i end up being so upset when i can NEVER attain them...

Perfection...wat is it to me?? hmm...i guess its a balance in life that i have to me weird but...i guess to me it is...perfection is not to be someone whom everyone envies...perfection is to be happy with yourself... i guess to put it simply...its to be happy with what you have and viola...Perfect! I m popular cos i have so many friends who truly care about me...I m happy cos i have eveything...a good family, good school, lovely classmates, relative well off... I may not be thin...but at least i m not obese...My special someone may never love me...but oh well...there are so many other people who love me for who i m i don't have to change into someone i m not...

As for things that i want to achieve...perfection is in HAVING those dreams...its perfection because i have direction in life..i have somewhere to go... so i guess PERFECT IS MY THING...isn't it?

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